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SpiritWorks Herb Farm

Agrimony Leaf - Agrimonia epitoria

Agrimony Leaf - Agrimonia epitoria

Regular price $6.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.00 USD
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Alternative Names: church steeples, Garclive

Parts used: Flowers, seeds, leaves, and sometimes roots

Actions and qualities: Anti-inflammatory, diuretic, astringent, pain relief, blood circulation promotion, speeds wound healing, helps nutrient assimilation, and good for maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol. 

Specific uses: Its high content in tannins and flavonoids help make this herb a delicious tea with a flavor similar to green or black tea. As a topical wash, salve, oil, poultice or added to a bath it helps to treat irritated skin and acne. The flowers are used as a digestive tea commonly served alongside food.

Contraindications: Can affect sunlight sensitivity. It is recommended to not take at least two weeks before any kind of surgery because it can affect the blood’s ability to clot. It should be avoided by pregnant and nursing mothers. 

History and lore: An early European remedy made of agrimony, human blood and crushed frogs was used as a magical charm. This is probably the early historical roots to many ‘witch’s potions. It has a long history of use by others such as the Native North Americans for many of the same applications it is used for today. Combined with mugwort it is said to be effective for banishing and protection as well as prophetic dreams.

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