Angelica Leaf - Angelica archangelica
Angelica Leaf - Angelica archangelica
Alternative Names: Holy ghost, Masterwort
Parts used: Leaves, seeds, and sometimes root.
Actions and qualities: Warming, decongestant, promotes circulation, relieves menstrual cramps, helps treat asthma and stimulates appetite.
Specific uses: The leaves can be used internally as a tea, tincture or capsule. The seeds are used in culinary applications and have a sweet, anise-like flavor. Topically it is often used as a cleansing wash or bath tea.
Contraindications: Should be avoided by pregnant and nursing mothers as well as children under the age of two. Should not be used internally if one has diabetes or ulcers.
History and lore: It is Associated with the angels Michael and Gabriel. It is used for protection by sprinkling it around the perimeters of one’s home. It is also traditionally placed in shoes to prevent tiredness and weakness.