Dandelion Flower - Taraxacum officinale
Dandelion Flower - Taraxacum officinale
Alternative names: Puffball, lionstooth, piss-the-bed
Parts used: Roots, leaves and flowers
Actions and qualities: Diuretic, mild laxative, toning, antioxidant, and liver- and gallbladder-cleansing. It is also very nutrient dense, specifically containing Vitamin A, iron, and calcium.
Specific uses: All parts of dandelion are used as a food source. It is best harvested in spring because its bitterness is toned down when the plants are young. The flowers have some traditional culinary uses like fired dandelion flower fritters. All parts can be made into a tea. It is also a useful addition to oils, salves, tinctures, and poultices.
Contraindications: In large amounts it can cause stomach pain or lower blood sugar to undesirable levels. It should be avoided by pregnant and nursing mothers. It should also be avoided by those struggling with kidney disease.
History and lore: The seeds have a deep history in many cultures of being a wish-making tool. Simply blow on the gone-to-seed flower heads and think of your heart’s desire.