Elecampane Root - Inula helenium
Elecampane Root - Inula helenium
Alternative names: Elfwort, elfdock, velvet dock
Parts used: Roots
Actions and qualities: Antibacterial, general respiratory aid (decongestant and very soothing to coughs), appetite stimulant, and anti-anxiety.
Specific uses: Used in a tea (imparts a beautiful aqua color), tincture, or cough syrup. To make the cough syrup, steep fresh roots in honey until a syrup-like texture occurs, usually at least 6 weeks. It is also commonly added to baths or poultices that can be placed directly on the chest.
Contraindications: Should not be used by pregnant or nursing mothers, or those with allergies in the Asteraceae (daisy) family.
History and lore: It has a strong association with elves, hence the nickname elfwort. It is also connected to the myth of Helen of Troy, as alluded to in its Latin name ‘helenium’; it is said that the plant sprung up from her tears.