Wood Betony Leaf - Stachys officinalis
Wood Betony Leaf - Stachys officinalis
Alternative names: Bishopwort, lousewort, betonica
Parts uses: Leaves, flowers, stalks
Actions and qualities: Anxiety relief, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, astringent, digestive aid, headache reliever, sleep aid, immune support, and sometimes used in treating asthma.
Specific uses: It is used in tea, tincture, oil, salve, poultice, bath or mouth gargle. It is also burned as incense.
Contraindications: It should be avoided by those with low blood pressure. Side effects have been reported and include nausea and dizziness. Pregnant and nursing mothers should consult a physician before using.
History and lore: It was used in medieval times as a protection amulet. A ritual incense of wood betony was used to fully cleanse people on the night of Midsomer.